How does the sin offering in Leviticus 4 give us a rich window into what it means to be forgiven? Click here for that and much more as we continue our study of “Christianity in Leviticus”!
Episode 499 – Christianity in Exodus 26 with Dr. German
How do things like curtains and goats’ skins give us a unique window into the person and work of Christ throughout the ages? Click here to learn about that and more as we continue our study of “Christianity in Exodus”!
Episode 491 – Christianity in Exodus 18 with Dr. German
How does Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, give us a great example of building up Christ’s church in any time and place? Click here for that and more as Dr. German leads us through another chapter of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 490 – Christianity in Exodus 17 with Dr. German
What’s the deal with Amalek, and how does water from the rock also give us a rich picture of the Christian life in any time and place? Click here for that and more as we continue our study of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 488 – Christianity in Exodus 15 with Dr. German
Why is the Song of Moses a song for the Christian church of all times and places? Click here for that and more as Dr. German leads us through another rich chapter of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 487 – Christianity in Exodus 14 with Dr. German
Episode 486 – Christianity in Exodus 13 with Dr. German
Why is the firstborn son such a big deal to God, and how do unleavened bread and a pillar of cloud/fire give us a great picture of what it means to be Christian? Click here for that and more as Dr. German walks us through another chapter of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 485 – Christianity in Exodus 12 with Dr. German
Why is there such a long chapter on the Passover lamb, and just how many ways does this lamb bear witness to the person and work of Christ even today? Click here for that and much more as we continue our journey through "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 484 – Christianity in Exodus 11 with Dr. German
Episode 483 – Christianity in Exodus 10 with Dr. German
How do the eighth and ninth plagues (locusts and darkness) continue to show us the profound mercy of God even in the midst of judgment? Click here for that and much more as we journey through another chapter of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 482 – Christianity in Exodus 9 with Dr. German
What’s so special about the seventh plague, and how do all three of the plagues in this chapter continue to show us both the true and the false churches of all times and places? Click here for that and more as Dr. German walks us through another segment of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 481 – Christianity in Exodus 8 with Dr. German
How do the plagues continue to show us the nature of the false church throughout all times and places? Click here for that and more as we journey through another chapter of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 479 – Christianity in Exodus 6 with Dr. German
Why does the beginning of this chapter sound so much like chapter 3 all over again, and what’s up with the genealogy right in the middle of the story? Click here for that and more as we dive into another rich episode of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 478 – Christianity in Exodus 5 with Dr. German
Why is there so much attention in this chapter on making bricks without straw, and how does it give us a nice picture of the church in any time and place? Click here for that and more as Dr. German walks us through another episode of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 477 – Christianity in Exodus 4 with Dr. German
Why does Moses keep firing away excuse after excuse, and what’s up with the “bridegroom of blood” incident? Click here for that and more as Dr. German walks us through another segment of “Christianity in Exodus”!