Blog: Podcasts


Episode 407 – Revelation 5 with Dr. German

How is the heavenly throne room of Revelation 5 also connected to the church’s worship throughout all times and places, much like we saw with Revelation 4? Click here as Dr. German walks us through another chapter of this fascinating book!

Episode 406 – Revelation 4 with Dr. German

How is the heavenly throne room of Revelation 4 connected to the church’s worship throughout all times and places? Click here for the latest episode of our journey through this fascinating book of scripture!

Episode 405 – Revelation 2–3 with Dr. German

What do the seven churches of Revelation have to do with the church of all times and places? Click here for that and more as Dr. German walks us through the next two chapters of Revelation.

Episode 404 – Revelation 1 (Part 2) with Dr. German

Why is John’s inaugural vision of the Son of Man so important for understanding the book of Revelation? Click here to find out as we continue our study of this fascinating book of scripture!

Episode 403 – Revelation 1 (Part 1) with Dr. German

A new podcast series! What is the book of Revelation all about, and how do the first few verses go a long way toward answering that? Click here to join us for our new study of this fascinating book of scripture!

Episode 402 – Top 40 Texts #40: Revelation 7 with Dr. German

What does this fascinating text teach us about the company of heaven? Join us for an in-depth look at the last of our “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!

Episode 401 – Top 40 Texts #39: 1 Peter 4 with Dr. German

What is the role of suffering in the life of a Christian? Listen to how rich 1 Peter 4 is on the topic as Dr. German walks us through the second to last passage of our “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!

Episode 400 – Top 40 Texts #38: James 2 with Dr. German

How does “saved by faith” (Paul) relate to “faith without works is dead” (James)? Click here for Dr. German’s reflection on that and more in our newest “Top 40 Texts” episode, CBI’s 400th podcast!

Episode 399 – Top 40 Texts #37: Romans 3 with Dr. German

Why is Romans 3 the meat and potatoes of the Christian faith? Click here to find out as we continue our journey through the “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!

Episode 397 – Top 40 Texts #35: Acts 1 with Dr. German

Why is the ascension of Jesus such a big deal for the church? Click here for that and more as we continue our journey through the “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!

Episode 396 – Top 40 Texts #34: John 21 with Dr. German

How does this resurrection account give us a fascinating picture of the church of all times and places? Click here to find out as Dr. German walks us through another passage from our “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!

Episode 395 – Top 40 Texts #33: John 20 (Part II) with Dr. German

What does Jesus’ appearance to “doubting” Thomas teach us about Christian worship? Click here for our latest podcast as we continue our journey through the “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!

Episode 394 – Top 40 Texts #32: Luke 24 with Dr. German

What does the road to Emmaus narrative teach us about Christian worship? Click here to listen as Dr. German tackles that and more in our latest episode of the “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!

Episode 393 – Top 40 Texts #31: John 20 (Part I) with Dr. German

Why does John record a footrace with Peter, and why doesn’t Mary recognize Jesus right away? Click here for that and much more as we continue our journey through the “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!