Blog: Podcasts


Episode 61 – Genesis 42-43 with Dr. Saleska

Have Joseph’s brothers repented of their crime against him when he was an adolescent? Do they have any clue that the second in command of all of Egypt is actually their brother? Join Drs. Saleska and Oberdeck as they explore the depths of the story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis.

Episode 60 – Genesis 41 with Dr. Saleska

Dreams have been an important part of Joseph’s live up to this point. They now become more important than every before, because they are the dreams of Pharoah, ruler of all of Egypt. Listen as Dr. John Saleska and Dr. John Oberdeck take you in-depth in the story in the 60th podcast of the Concordia Bible Institute.

Episode 53 – Genesis 30-31 with Dr. Saleska

Join Drs. Saleska and Oberdeck as they discuss Jacob’s next move in his ongoing family situation. He’s worked for his father-in-law for a long time, and now the Lord asks him to return to his homeland. How can he leave Laban?