Blog: Podcasts


Episode 53 – Genesis 30-31 with Dr. Saleska

Join Drs. Saleska and Oberdeck as they discuss Jacob’s next move in his ongoing family situation. He’s worked for his father-in-law for a long time, and now the Lord asks him to return to his homeland. How can he leave Laban?

Episode 48 – Genesis 24 with Dr. Saleska

Dr. Saleska explains in detail Abraham’s comission given to Eliezar to find a wife for his son Isaac. This is not your ordinary romance story, at least not in the way we ordinarily think of romance today. Yet this is a love story!

Episode 42 – Early African Christianity: Cyprian of Carthage

Dr. Joel Elowsky provides background on Mark’s African connection, and shares the life story of Cyprian of Carthage, Confessor and Martyr. Learn why the subject of martyrdom is particularly powerful for African Christians today.

Episode 41 – Early African Christianity

Few are aware of the influence of Africa on early Christianity. Dr. Joel Elowsky of Concordia University Wisconsin introduces us to the influence and impact of Africa in the early church. Dr. Elowsky is the Research Director for the Center for Early African Christianity. Learn more about our theological roots through this series of presentations.