Blog: Podcasts


Episode 197 – Psalm 118 with Dr. German

You’ve likely heard parts of Psalm 118 quoted in the New Testament (e.g., “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”), but click here to learn how the whole psalm adds much greater depth to why it is quoted so often in relation to the person and work of Jesus.

Episode 193 – Psalm 110 with Dr. German

Psalm 110 is quoted in the New Testament more than any other Old Testament text.  Click here to listen to Dr. German explain why this psalm was (and continues to be!) such a vibrant witness to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Episode 188 – Psalm 101 with Dr. German

We’ve encountered another psalm of David with Psalm 101.  Click here to listen to Dr. German’s reflections on how this psalm builds on earlier psalms and, most importantly, what it has to do with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Episode 185 – Psalm 95 with Dr. German

If you’re familiar with Matins, you’ll recognize the language of Psalm 95.  But Matins only includes the first half of the psalm, and the second half is strikingly different.  Click here to find out how the two parts of Psalm 95 go together to make a beautiful witness to Christ!