Blog: Podcasts


Episode 377 – Top 40 Texts #15: Psalm 51 with Dr. German

What does this psalm teach about the nature of sin and forgiveness? Hint: a lot more than our culture has to say about it! Click here for another episode of the “Top 40” texts of Scripture!

Episode 376 – Top 40 Texts #14: Psalm 22 with Dr. German

Why is it crucial to keep both the lament and the praise sections of this psalm in mind when reading and understanding it? Click here to find out as we continue our journey through the “Top 40” texts of Scripture!

Episode 373 – Top 40 Texts #11: 2 Samuel 7 with Dr. German

Why is God’s promise to David such a big deal for understanding the rest of the Bible? Click here to find out as we continue our journey through the “Top 40” texts of sacred Scripture!

Episode 372 – Top 40 Texts #10: Deuteronomy 6 with Dr. German

What does this “Top 40” text teach about the kind of relationship God wants with his people? Here’s our latest in our “Top 40” series!