In this episode Dr. John Saleska provides the background regarding the "Golden Calf" incident. He raises the question, "How could these people so quickly abandon the God who had brought them out of Egypt?"
Why should the dress of the High Priest be of such importance? What does it say about Jesus Christ and his righteousness with which believers are clothed? And what are the Urim and the Thummin? Dr. Saleska will explain all in this podcast.
Just what is a "Mercy Seat" and why should I want one? This is just one of the issues discussed in this episode as Dr. John Saleska continues to share "Christ in Every Word" from the Book of Exodus.
Listen as Dr. Saleska explains the significance of each of the tabernacle furnishings; the altar, the lavar, the tabel of showbread, the candelabra, the altar of incense, and finally the ark of the covenant with its precious mercy seat.
God is about to give Moses very detailed instructions concerning the construction of the tabernacle, and the furnishing with which it will be supplied. But before God reveals the worship setting for ancient Israel, a few other matters must be handled. Dr. Saleska takes us through this preparation in Podcast 88.
Exodus 20 contains not only the Ten Commandments, but also the beginning of what is known as the "Book of the Covenant." Dr. Saleska introduces the contents of this book in Episode 85.
In Exodus 19 the people are prepared for the great event, and in Exodus 20 it happens; God gives to Moses the Ten Commandments. Dr. John Saleska explains their significance for the Children of Israel and for us today.
How can Moses be the judge for all these people? The quick answer is - he can't. Learn how helpful a father-in-law can be as Jethro assists Moses in restructing the post-Exodus community.
Dr. Saleska explains the significance of water from the rock, as well as the manner in which the untested army of Israel defeats the battle tested Amalekites; all in Exodus 17.
Having just be rescued from the clutches of Pharoah by miraculuous intervention, and expressing their joy through song for their deliverance, the Children of Israel begin to complain. How will God respond? Join Dr. Saleska has he explains God's merciful response.
In this session Dr. Saleska guides us through the "Song of Moses." Exodus 15 reveals the joy of the Israelites as they find themselves finally free after 400 years of servitude.
Dr. John Saleska guides us through Exodus 15 in this discussion. The Children of Israel have successfully crossed the Red Sea, and express their joy in their deliverance. "Deliverance" is the link to Christ in Every Word.
Dr. Saleska continues on our journey through Exodus as we follow the Israelite's and their escape from the Egyptians. Join us as we see how God's strength and mercy is the only way to be rescued.
The Concordia Bible Institute provides Christ-centered Bible instruction from distinguished experts who teach "Christ in Every Word" of the Old and New Testaments, to strengthen faith and spread belief in the one true God.