CBI Archive: Prayer According to the Scriptures pt.1
Episode 496 – Christianity in Exodus 23 with Dr. German
What’s up with all the various laws in Exodus 23, and what do any of them have to do with the Christian life? Click here to learn about that and more as we make our way through another chapter of “Christianity in Exodus”!
Episode 495 – Christianity in Exodus 22 with Dr. German
Episode 494 – Christianity in Exodus 21 with Dr. German
What’s up with all the various laws in Exodus 21, and what do any of them have to do with the Christian life? Click here to learn about that and more as we continue our podcast series on “Christianity in Exodus”!
Episode 493 – Christianity in Exodus 20 with Dr. German
Why are the Ten Commandments such a big deal for Christians of any time and place? Click here for that and much more as Dr. German reflects on this monumental chapter of Exodus!
January 2024 eBulletin
CBI Archive: Do Miracles Still Happen? pt.2
Episode 492 – Christianity in Exodus 19 with Dr. German
How does Mount Sinai give us a beautiful picture of Christian worship throughout all times and places? Click here for that and more as we continue our study of "Christianity in Exodus"!
Episode 491 – Christianity in Exodus 18 with Dr. German
How does Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, give us a great example of building up Christ’s church in any time and place? Click here for that and more as Dr. German leads us through another chapter of "Christianity in Exodus"!
December 2023 e-Bulletin
CBI Archive: Do Miracles Still Happen? pt.1
CBI Archive: Dr German teaching on “Luther on the Psalms”, pt.1
Episode 490 – Christianity in Exodus 17 with Dr. German
What’s the deal with Amalek, and how does water from the rock also give us a rich picture of the Christian life in any time and place? Click here for that and more as we continue our study of "Christianity in Exodus"!