What does the raising of Lazarus have to do with the resurrection of Jesus? Click here for that and more as we continue our journey through the “Top 40 Texts” of scripture!
Episode 387 – Top 40 Texts #25: John 6 with Dr. German
What is Jesus teaching when he calls himself “bread from heaven”? Click here for Dr. German’s latest episode of our “Top 40 Texts” of scripture series!
Episode 386 – Top 40 Texts #24: Mark 6 with Dr. German
If the feeding of the 5000 is more than just a “free lunch,” what is Jesus teaching us through it? Click here for more of our “Top 40 Texts” and one of Dr. German’s favorites!
Episode 385 – Top 40 Texts #23: Matthew 3 with Dr. German
How is the preaching and baptizing of John the Baptist in the wilderness a rich picture of the church of all times and places? Click here for that and more as we continue our journey through the “Top 40” texts of scripture!
September 2020 eBulletin
Episode 384 – Top 40 Texts #22: Luke 2 with Dr. German
Why are the swaddling cloths, the manger, the shepherds, and other such details emphasized in Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus? Click here for that and more as we continue our journey through the “Top 40” texts of scripture!
“Meditations on the Meaning of Life from Ecclesiastes” Part 1 with Dr. Gregory Schulz
An In-Depth Bible Study Meditations on the Meaning of Life from Ecclesiastes Handout
Episode 383 – Top 40 Texts #21: Introduction to the Gospels with Dr. German
How does the first sentence of each gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) tell us volumes about the person and work of Jesus? Click here to find out as we make our way into the New Testament!
Episode 382 – Top 40 Texts #20: Ezekiel 37 with Dr. German
What does the word of the Lord have to do with life after death? Click here for that and more as we continue our journey through the “Top 40” texts of Scripture!
August 2020 eBulletin
Episode 381 – Top 40 Texts #19: Isaiah 52–53 with Dr. German
Just how rich is the suffering servant passage for understanding the person and work of Christ? Click here to find out!
Episode 380 – Top 40 Texts #18: Isaiah 42 with Dr. German
Why is the Lord’s “servant” such a big deal in the Bible? Click here for that and more as we continue our journey through the “Top 40” texts of Scripture!
Episode 379 – Top 40 Texts #17: Ecclesiastes 1 with Dr. German
What kind of wisdom does this strange book offer, and how does it relate to the person and work of Jesus? Click here for another episode of the “Top 40” texts of Scripture!
Episode 378 – Top 40 Texts #16: Proverbs 8 with Dr. German
Why was this text from Proverbs one of the most heavily discussed passages in the early church? Click here to find out as we continue our journey through the “Top 40” texts of Scripture!
Episode 377 – Top 40 Texts #15: Psalm 51 with Dr. German
What does this psalm teach about the nature of sin and forgiveness? Hint: a lot more than our culture has to say about it! Click here for another episode of the “Top 40” texts of Scripture!