How does the book of Joel offer a timeless model of repentance? Click here to find out as we wrap up our study of the second prophet in the Book of the Twelve.
Why is the end of Joel 2 such a fitting text to be quoted at Pentecost? Click here for that and much more as we continue our study of the second prophet in the Book of the Twelve.
What does “the day of the Lord” have to do with the Christian life? Click here for more on Joel’s powerful preaching as we take a look at the second chapter of his book.
March 23, March 30 and April 6 - Canceled! In light of Concordia University’s recent decision to suspend all face-to-face instruction until at least April 13, the Concordia Bible Institute is saddened to cancel its remaining spring “In-Depth” presentations scheduled to take place on Mar. 23, Mar. 30, and Apr. 6. Please continue to check…
How does the book of Joel provide us with a fitting “response” to the end of the book of Hosea? Click here for Dr. German’s Christ-centered reflections on the opening words of the second minor prophet.
How does Hosea’s last chapter speak a timely word to all times and all places? Click here for Dr. German’s concluding thoughts on this first book of the minor prophets.
What does the Lord as head of the household look like? Click here to learn more about Hosea’s profound language on just how passionate our heavenly Father is for his dear children.
The people of Israel begin to speak words of repentance, but why doesn’t the Lord accept it? Click here to find out as we continue our study of the book of Hosea!
The Concordia Bible Institute provides Christ-centered Bible instruction from distinguished experts who teach "Christ in Every Word" of the Old and New Testaments, to strengthen faith and spread belief in the one true God.