What is Zephaniah all about and how does he fit into the Book of the Twelve? Click here for that and more as we continue our study of these fascinating “minor” prophets!
Did you know that the prophet Habakkuk was a Lutheran? Click here to find out why and lots more as we continue our journey through the Book of the Twelve!
How does the book of Nahum give us a clear window into the nature and character of God? Click here to find out as we wrap up our study of this short but powerful book of Scripture.
How does the little book of Nahum relate to the rest of the Book of the Twelve? Click here to find out as we begin studying the next prophet in our “Christ in Every Word” podcast series!
How does the end of Micah give a rich witness to the person and work of Christ? Click here to listen to our last podcast on this fascinating book of the Bible!
The Concordia Bible Institute provides Christ-centered Bible instruction from distinguished experts who teach "Christ in Every Word" of the Old and New Testaments, to strengthen faith and spread belief in the one true God.