Dr. Saleska discusses the passage concerning the "hardening" of Pharaoh's heart, and the conversation (or should we say contest) between Moses and Pharaoh.
Dr. Saleska guides us through Exodus Chapter 4 in which Moses does his level best to avoid the task assigned to him by the Lord. Finally, however, after every excuse is rendered moot, Moses is on his way to set the people free.
Moses must leave Egypt because he's become a murderer. What is going to become of him as he escapes to the desert? God has something in mind, as Dr. John Saleska explains.
Dr. Saleska describes the birth of Moses and his dramatic escape from the king who wants to destroy him, and draws the parallel with the birth of Jesus Christ, who also had a king who sought the destruction of the infant.
Dr. Saleska introduces the strong connection between the events contained in Exodus to the rest of the Old Testament. Listen as he explains the consistent witness of the Old Testament to the Mosaic authorship of the first five books of the Bible.
Join Dr. Saleska as he takes us through the final chapters of Genesis. Here Jacob blesses his sons, dies and is buried; and we come to the end of Joseph's life as well.
Blesses? That is a question you will have as Dr. Saleska introduces you to the last chapters of Genesis. Jacob is nearing his last days, and he has much to say and do before he departs this life.
Have Joseph's brothers repented of their crime against him when he was an adolescent? Do they have any clue that the second in command of all of Egypt is actually their brother? Join Drs. Saleska and Oberdeck as they explore the depths of the story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis.
Dreams have been an important part of Joseph's live up to this point. They now become more important than every before, because they are the dreams of Pharoah, ruler of all of Egypt. Listen as Dr. John Saleska and Dr. John Oberdeck take you in-depth in the story in the 60th podcast of the Concordia…
Dr. Saleska takes us through several significant incidents in the life of Joseph as Josephs moves from Potifphar's house to prison to the second in power only to Pharaoh himself.
In this episode Dr. Saleska works his way through Genesis 38, a chapter filled with evidence of the fallenness of humankind and the need for a savior. Those in the ancestry of Jesus Christ are not exempt!
Jacob moves on with his family to Bethel, and on the way loses his beloved Rachel. Listen as Dr. Saleska provides the background in this "Christ in Every Word" podcast.
The Concordia Bible Institute provides Christ-centered Bible instruction from distinguished experts who teach "Christ in Every Word" of the Old and New Testaments, to strengthen faith and spread belief in the one true God.