What are the Greater & Lesser Lights in Genesis 1:16?
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” (Genesis 1:16). Does light refer to wisdom, knowledge, enlightenment, etc? Dr. John Saleska Responds.
Episode 81 – Exodus 16 with Dr. Saleska
Episode 80 – Exodus 15 with Dr. Saleska
Episode 79 – Exodus 14 with Dr. Saleska
Let there be Light: What was the Light?
Episode 78 – Exodus 13 with Dr. Saleska
Episode 77 – Exodus 12
Episode 76 – Exodus 11-12 with Dr. Saleska
What does Jesus mean by”I will be with you”?
What does it really mean when Jesus says: I will be with you? In regards to what? Dr. John Saleska replies.